Digital Magazines from Find It Virginia

The Library of Virginia is delighted to offer all Virginia library users access to the Magzter Library, which provides a wide selection of digital magazines that can be accessed on mobile devices and tablets as well as on computers. Magazines are in English, Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Arabic. Android and iOS users can download the Magzter Library app from the Apple Store or the Google Play Store (please note they need to use the Magzter Library app not the standard Magzter app). Magzter can also be accessed in your browser. In each case enter an email address, receive an OTP code and then select your library and enter a library card number.

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Open Hands Library

Through bilingual education, children have opportunities to bridge their knowledge, gained through sign language, to reading. The Open Hands Library is the first digital library of its kind, providing access to language and literacy by collecting books and stories from deaf and ASL creators.

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Reading Involves Shared Experiences (R.I.S.E.) promotes "language acquisition and early literacy skills for deaf children by providing ... tools such as ebooks and YouTube videos." Please note the ebooks are available only on Apple devices

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